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The Place of Peace offers retreat time within a quiet protected contemplative environment of steady daily practice in the company of a senior monastic. These retreats are open to anyone who has received meditation instruction from a monk or lay minister of our Order. It is good to bear in mind that being on retreat in a small temple can be much more intensive than when one is part of a large group.

At the moment, rather than scheduling retreats, we are inviting those wishing to come to specify when they would like to visit and  a group or private retreat can usually be arranged on those dates, with local Sangha joining the communal activities.

Guests are welcome to come for the day, or part of a day or just to discuss their practice. There is no residential accommodation available for longer visits but a variety of inexpensive B&Bs are within  a few minutes walking distance. All visits, long or short, need to be by appointment.

Guests have breakfast in the B&B. Lunch and medicine meal ( 6pm) can be taken in the temple where all meals are vegetarian and are eaten in the Meditation Hall.

These retreats offer a variety of daily services, meditation periods, Dharma talks, working meditation and time for solitary contemplative walking on our coastal paths. Daily life here varies according to the needs of the individual.
The longer retreats are for those who have already been here, are comfortable with the ways of the temple and feel ready to benefit from a day that is not always structured for them.
Some may come to this beautiful area for quiet reflective time and spend only a small part of the day in the temple, others have more of an enclosed retreat. There are many variations and these can be discussed with Reverend Master Myoho.

The Dharma talks and activities offered during the retreats will reflect the needs of those who attend. Guests are invited to request talks on any aspect of Buddhist training and to discuss issues that are current in their practice. There is always time for silent contemplative reflection and guidance on what it means to contemplate can be offered as necessary.

Starting and finishing times of a retreat vary to suit those who come and can be discussed beforehand, although guests are, of course, free to leave at any time they wish to.

If you would like to attend a retreat, visit The Place of Peace, ask for further information or seek spiritual advice then please call
us on 01970 625402 ( before 7pm. Thank you)




The Place of Peace is entirely dependent upon voluntary donations to our trust fund 'THE LIFE OF FAITH', Registered Charity No. 1091548. We invite guests to make an offering that is in keeping with the current cost of living.

Travel details: We are situated in Aberystwyth, West Wales. There is a railway station here and National Express buses also stop in the town.

What to bring: Guests are requested to bring a watch, house slippers, work clothes and to specify any special dietary requirements before coming. Please do not bring your computer to the temple.
For bookings and questions concerning these retreats please contact Reverend Master Myoho on 01970 625402 (before 7pm. please)

  © The Life of Faith 2014